💫 How the Spiritual Journey Pushes Us to Grow and Fulfill Our Purpose 💫

In this recent interview with Hannah Williams on Mindfully Austin, we discuss:

* The challenges and benefits of meditation.

* The “why” of what inspired my business

* How meditation and Reiki totally transformed my life.

* Is there a “wrong path” or can we always learn and grow through whatever choice we make?

* How the spiritual journey pushes us to be our authentic self.

* The value of time freedom

* How accessing your higher self unlocks your gifts and abilities.

* A key to overcoming personal limitations is to focus on helping others.

* What is a soul plan reading?

* What happens in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session?

* What’s the deeper intention behind every service I offer?

* Finding a balance between your spiritual and human experience.

* The need for both the Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) spiritual paths.

* Do things that are aligned with our soul’s purpose come back around?


Hannah: Hi everybody. I'm so excited to have Tianna Roser on episode 11 of Mindfully Austin where we're so excited to interview local businesses and entrepreneurs that have an intention of uplifting humanity through their work. And I met Tianna through a friend of mine, Sharon Hudson, who we had on here as well. And I just love all the gatherings that we've had and getting to learn about you and what you're doing. And ever since I met you for the first time, I put your name on our list as somebody that I was really excited to interview and learn more about. And it was fun getting ready for this interview checking out Tana's website and there's so many and like she does so much and there's so many cool things on there. And then as I was reviewing it again, I was like, oh my gosh. And you just, you have a book and I'm so excited I'm gonna get the book today so we should, I'll throw it over there. I'm gonna show it and I'll have a link to where you can order a copy too. But so Tianna, I'm gonna read from my list because she does so many cool things. So she's a certified clinical hypnotist and a reiki master and the reiki master teacher and awakening transformation is the name of her business and she's been serving the Austin area since 2008. She does hypnosis and past life regression, quantum healing, hypnosis techniques and soul plan reading and soul transformation therapy. Like that is cool, isn't it? That's just awesome. 

Tianna: That's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. 

Hannah: So I know, gosh, I was listening to one of your other podcasts, another interview this morning and it was really cool and they were going way out and on this podcast we try to really get specific about what led you to this and, and what your why is and and what you hope to, to have the people that work with you feel and all of these cool things. So what, how did you get started in this world? 

Tianna: Yeah. Honestly my business is very spiritually oriented and so it's very entwined with my spiritual path because I wasn't raised in a spiritual tradition or belief system and really the turning point because I got my degree in marketing and international business and I was all thinking that I wanted to be this corporate business woman and got the marketing job that I wanted and was going on that trajectory and then I just hated it. Yeah. I think I was doing well and my boss was wanting to talk about next steps and I just started thinking, imagining my life like five years from now, 10 years from now in this environment that didn't fit for me. And that's when I kind of had one of those existential crisis of like, why am I here and what's the point of all of this? I've never been very money motivated and so meaning is very important to me. It has to be fulfilling, it has to have a purpose. I kind of lost that or I was thinking, for me, it just didn't drive me to just be focusing on making more money for this company. And so that's kind of when I started on my path of meditation to try to go inward and figure out who am I and what do I want. And I think like a lot of people, meditation was really hard for me at first. 

Hannah: Oh sure. 

Tianna: Yeah, no, I was just going to say with repeated practice finally one day it just kind of clicked. I had this recording, this meditation audio that I'd listened to that was like 45 minutes or almost an hour long. And it would take me that whole time just to kind of quiet my mind. But then it would just switch and then finally I'd get to the state and that's when it would hit this different state of being that was really peaceful. So I would stay in meditation for two more hours, even three more hours after that. So like a three or four hour meditation once it clicked, it took a while, I don't remember how long, but it took a while before it clicked. But once it clicked then I really loved it. Looking back, I think there was a little bit of escapism as far as after a long day in the office at my corporate job, I kind of wanted to check out. 

I just felt like, oh, this world is so, I don't know, I didn't understand the point. Again, I'm just not a very money driven person. So the idea of just pushing for nicer things or more money or a better title, it just didn't seem to make sense. And then when I would go inward and I'd get into this deep state, this is when all of these things started to happen. So it kind of had this big spiritual awakening. I joke that I'm pretty sure anybody, if you meditate for three or four hours a day for a period of time, you're going to have a big spiritual awakening. So that's when everything started. But I'll let you ask whatever you want to ask. Yeah. 

Hannah: What was hard about that? What was hard about meditation in the beginning? 

Tianna: Because I think a lot of people are wanting to get into meditation and they hit that wall where they're like, this is hard or this doesn't work for me. Was that monkey mind really? Because now of course with my clients, a lot of times I'll recommend that meditation would also be helpful for what they're focusing on. And some people have a hard time just even settling, staying still because we're going, going, going all the time. But then even if you're staying, your body is still, if your mind's going and going, that can be really frustrating or distracting. So that was it for me, it was one getting my mind to get quieter. And then two, just because we come from this perspective of am I doing it right? Right, I'm doing it wrong. It's this right brain process and we live in a very left brain world and the left brain world has black and white, it has measurements, right? This is right and this is wrong. Then you're in this expansive, abstract creative space where it's not so clear. 

And so for some people that can be very difficult as well to know how do I know when I'm doing it right, when I'm getting there or something like that. Yeah. Without these clear milestones to be able to measure it by. But it's really just even the practice of it is teaching us to trust our right brain and to allow ourself to be in these more subtle experiences or these more abstract places and not have to necessarily define it. But really helped me was listening to guided meditations when I'm just closing my eyes and trying to still my mind, my mind's going everywhere. But then if I'm listening, someone's talking to me, it's like my mind shuts up. Like, oh, someone's talking, be respectful. My mind would get quiet and just be able to then you can be in that receptive place versus we're normally in that very active place. Right. And so that was wonderful. 

That's why I think back in the ancient days they would do the mala beads or even in prayer they would do the rosary to keep the mind focused on one bead at a time or mantra saying something over and over again to keep that mind focused or staring at a candle. 

Hannah: Yeah. So, so, so your meditation kind of got you into this world and what made you decide this is what I'm going to do for a living, like this is how I'm gonna, yeah, I'm gonna help other people with this and I'm leaving the corporate world. 

Tianna: Yeah, so that was the whole journey. So I would meditate for three or four hours and then after that first hour that took to get my mind to quiet, then different things started to happen. And so sometimes I would just find myself floating above my body and I'd see my body laying there on the bed meditating. I just felt myself as energy. And also I went through like a series of, sometimes I would just find myself in a past life and I didn't even believe in past lives then, but it was just happening where I was going into these experiences. I was receiving messages from spirit guides and I was feeling these energetic sensations and that's what led me to reiki. I wanted to understand what is this energy that I'm feeling within me. And somebody at the office told me, oh, you should see this energy guy. 

So I booked a session with him and he was a reiki master and that very first reiki session, I felt so much, I was just like, this is amazing. How does everybody not know about this? And I wanna have this all the time. It's so wonderful. Yeah. And he said, all right, I can teach you. So that's how I started on my reiki journey. It was very shortly after I started meditating, I started learning reiki and working with reiki. I really do think that those two things, meditation and reiki totally transformed my life because it took me from, I have a very strong “doing” energy. I always, even now, which I feel like I'm much more balanced now, but still I have a lot of energy and motivation towards the things that matter to me. Not really towards like doing my taxes or things like that, but like the things that matter to me. 

I have a million ideas and I always have a lot of projects and things like that. But anyway, so with meditation and with reiki, all of these inner shifts were opening up. This whole world that I didn't know existed before opened up and it had gotten where I was started working in the corporate world. Everything just felt really flat and empty. And like I said, the world just didn't make sense to me when it wasn't what I thought it was gonna be. I sometimes compare this to the Wizard of Oz, like the beginning of the movie, it's in black and white and it's in Kansas and it feels very dreary. Yeah. And then boom, they go to Oz and there's color and then everybody's singing and dancing. Yeah. That was sort of what this whole spiritual opening was like. Everything felt very flat and black and white. Then this whole other world opened up within me and it was colorful and there was so much to explore and magical and so I, I started like reading all these books and just this so much opened up to me and, and the world became very vibrant and alive, the inner world that I wanted to explore. 

Hannah: You know what is so cool, and I just have to to touch on this before this goes away is, and we talk about this a lot, is the, I, I like to call 'em breadcrumbs, but you know, wow, you had a calling to go to school and to become an executive in marketing and you know have the corporate job. So you followed that calling and because you followed that calling that wasn't the right place for you. But you followed the calling and because you followed that you felt burnt out and tired and that led you to start meditating. And then what led you to start meditating was noticing your own energy because of the marketing job. And then because you went in and shared with your coworker that you're starting to do this, then someone recommended, oh you should see the energy guy and then you saw the energy guy and all of a sudden you're in the Wizard of Oz and your whole world opened up. And so I just love looking back on those moments in time that when one thing leads to the other, because you followed a path, whether it was the right path or the wrong path, it was the right path at the time because it got you to where you are. It got you to started. Yeah. So where would you know if you didn't follow the marketing, would you have found the Reiki guy and with like How interesting? 

I believe I would've because I really don't believe that there's a wrong path. And because I guide people into past lives and we go into these other experiences and we see a whole lifetime and then, then we process, we do a life review and we look at what did you learn, what qualities did you develop within yourself and then how, what can you take from that experience to apply to this life? And sometimes people are like that, that was a total wasted life. They regretted whatever their choices. And I always feel like, well it wasn't a waste though, right? You had to, to go down that path to see where it took you and then you realize, oh, that doesn't fulfill me and that's not what I want moving forward. That's meaningful. That's, that's life. Life is an experience learning through trial and error if we could. 

There's a reason why we come into incarnation and we forget everything that we know is spirit. We're meant to experience it through trial and error. And so we're always, there's certainly there's an easier, more joyful path and there's a more difficult, more painful path. But either path is gonna take us there. So from our soul's perspective, it's fine either way because the soul knows that any pain or discomfort or suffering we experience here on the physical realm, it's not part of who we are eternally. And that just like this body is temporary and then I'm gonna release the body, but I'm gonna continue on whatever our experiences are, whatever our pain and difficulties are, they're temporary and then I can just mine the gifts from that, which is whatever I learned, whatever the awareness is. And so there really isn't a wrong path, but like I said, the more awareness that we have, we can make choices where it can flow better and we can enjoy it more versus doing the difficult path. Yeah. 

Hannah: That's so cool. So, so Reiki led you to the Wizard of Oz. 

Tianna: So yes, I was having this wizard of Oz oz experience where I was just like, so like wow, so magical. All these cool things, like I said, spirit guides and past lives and different frequencies of energy and it was so exciting and I started to feel guilty about receiving this. So I had a job where my boss was in Dallas and I'm living in Hawaii and they had set me up with a home office As long as I got my work done, nobody knows the difference in how many hours I'm spending meditation. They were all telling me, oh you're doing a great job. But I felt so guilty cuz my heart wasn't in it. And so even though I'm getting everything that needs to get done, it was this feeling of as I've gone on my spiritual path, like I can't be inauthentic like everything I'm here just to be the authentic expression of who I am in the world and I can't not be that or else I'm betraying myself in a way. 

So I really felt this pressure, I have to quit this job, I don't know what's next. And yeah, I was pretty young still, so it's easier to make those kinds of crazy choices but like quit a very good salary paying job and move with my boyfriend at that time from Hawaii to Boston. People are like, why did you move to Boston? People always tell me, I have that backwards, right? Yeah, because you moved to Hawaii to have your spiritual awakening, you don't move to Boston. But in the corporate job they had sent me on some business trips to Boston and I liked just how different, I wanted something different. I wanted to be away from everyone I that knew me in a certain way where I could like explore and figure out who I am and have the freedom of that right? 

Without anybody around who knew me. Yeah. And it just seemed different. It's as far away from Hawaii as you can get while still being in the United States practically. Right. So I moved to Boston without a plan, but just really wanting, also really wanting to have time freedom because in the corporate job there was just always, and then of course like I said, I worked from home. So if you work from home, there can be sort of this feeling that you're always in the work because it's right there, there's your computer. Even though you're trying to do something else, it's still that energy is still there. And so the idea of I'm just going to work an hourly job where when I leave the work there's nothing hanging over my head. Something with low responsibility. But what I really wanted was time freedom because I wanted to read all these books and meditate more and practice my reiki. 

But I really was a bit naive as far as not understanding how expensive Boston is and how hard it is to find a place to live and so forth, how competitive that market is. Anyway, I got this job working in the cafe for minimum wage. I went from this nice cushy salary job to working minimum wage. 

Hannah: Whoa. 

Tianna: We couldn't find an apartment because you have to like three months in advance look for a place. We ended up having this little basement apartment that was so, so, so small and really dreary and depressing because only the window you could just see out was like people's feet walking by. So imagine coming from Hawaii, where you go out, you can smell the flowers. Yeah. And everything is colorful and you can see the ocean practically from anywhere you are to now being in this like concrete brick jungle where you just see people's feet. But actually it was perfect for what I needed at the time. So I was just barely making enough to cover rent and food and my tea, my subway pass. That was pretty much all I could afford. I can't really go out and do anything, but it was perfect time to go inward. And then the winters were so cold there and going from Hawaii that doesn't have any winter. And so it was, again, it was time to go inward. I jokingly call those years kind of my monk like yeah, a couple years where I lived there pretty much it was just about having a lot of time to spend further going into all of these spiritual exploration. So that happened for a while. Yeah, yeah. There's so much to the journey. 

Hannah: So what was your first, like what, let's see, like what was your first client? Who was your first client? Not not who, but like what was the first experience as helping other people? Did you, did you think like, I wanna help other people discover their gifts or I want to help heal? Or what came, what came first? 

Tianna: So just at the very beginning of this, once this whole other world opened up, there was like, oh, how do other people not know about this? And so I definitely wanted to let other people know about this. But also it was kind of the thing like nobody in my life was into any of this stuff. And so it was, there was a lot of fear around how I would be perceived talking about, oh, I talked to spirits, how people think you're kind of crazy or something like that. Yeah. So it was something like that I was grappling with trying to, first needing to get to a comfortable place with it within myself before I would feel comfortable being able to offer it to others. When I was living in Boston, I found this school called Delphi that I went to. It's in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia. 

It's a wonderful school with wonderful teachers. It's kind of like, it doesn't look like Hogwarts, but it's kind of like a thing about that where you could go and you could take all these different kinds of classes, all these people with really interesting, you did color and sound healing and you learn to communicate with your spirit guides. And these kinds of things. I was in that point of still feeling like I wanted to, sometimes people call it the inbreath and the outbreath of God or whatnot. You can probably look in your life and you can see times when you were taking everything in and then you get so full and then you want to share it with others. So I was really like, wow, this whole other world exists and there's a lot of like just wanting to understand it all and take in as much as I can both through reading and then also experientially through meditation and reiki and so forth. 

I was going to the school and then I would learn techniques and then I had a few friends that I felt comfortable practicing it with. So it started off like that just with people that I knew, but I didn't feel confident to put it out there in the world. Even though now I understand like, oh, I've been doing this in many lifetimes. Right? Yeah. But well before I had this big spiritual awakening, I was like a lot of people who may be curious and I would go and see a psychic. I remember when I lived in Hawaii, when I went to college, I’d go to a psychic and get a psychic reading. And they would always tell me, you have the answers. You know these things. And I'm like, oh yeah, then why can't I figure it out? I'd get really frustrated. They're saying, oh you have these answers. 

And I'm like, no I don't. That's why I'm coming to you. I’d get really frustrated. I see now, oh yes, you have to open to your own higher consciousness before you can know what's already there. There's so much there beyond just our personality level, but only if we do practices that help us to access that. So it was a journey for a while there. Anyway, my boyfriend and the one that came with me from Hawaii to Boston, we ended our relationship. We were actually going to move together from Boston to Austin without ever having been to Austin. But just, oh that seems like a cool place. We made this plan. Then one day he was like, yeah, I really wanna stay in Boston. I was really done with Boston. I was just like, oh no, I never want to do winter again. 

I really don't think the Austin winter is bad at all, even though we have these crazy ice storms. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's really not that bad. So we were splitting up and we'd already been going in different directions anyway over the years that we had been together. But I realized, oh I don't know anyone in Austin. I don't have any job set up. And so it seemed, it didn't make sense to move to Austin by myself. Seattle was where my brother and my sister-in-law live and this is before they had kids and they were like, oh you can come. We have extra room in our house. You can come live here. My best friend lived in Seattle and she was working for a startup and she was like, you can be my assistant. I was, okay. So I moved to Seattle and then when I lived in Seattle, I started going to a yoga center that was near where I was living. 

That started me on this whole other path. I eventually got trained with them. I mean there's like a whole backstory to that, but I don't feel like we have time for that. But anyway, through that organization. So I started working for them and they had a center in Katy, Texas that they wanted me to run. Wow. I moved from Seattle to Katy, Texas here. I ended up coming to Texas in a different way than I thought. I started to run their center, it's a Korean yoga organization and they had a unique type of classes. I taught the classes. They had energy healing sessions. So I did energy healing sessions and eventually I started, they had certain workshops and I'm leading the workshops and things like that. So that would be the official way that I started to offer it out into the community within this structure of someone else's organization. 

Well, over time I realized their organization was really messed up, but I do feel like while I was there, cuz they were always really about the vision and about letting go of our personal self and focusing on the bigger vision and how we wanna help create enlightenment on the planet and create more peace with people and more health. I think before I already had the tools but I didn't believe in myself. And then when I was working for someone else and focusing on this greater thing beyond me, it helped me to overcome my own little things and it got to a point where I realized I could do this on my own and in alignment with my values cuz I don't believe in this organization. That really helped me to then be able to walk away and realize, oh yeah, I already know how to manage a center and to do the marketing for that and to help people and to do the healing sessions or to lead a workshop or anything like this. I have those qualities. So yeah. 

Hannah: That's so neat. Now when people, when somebody, do people find you by referral or do people find you online or? 

Tianna: Yes and yes. 

Hannah: Okay. And so when people come to you, do they, do you have a consultation where you help them decide what to do with you because, or do they know specifically like, I want past life regression so I'm gonna call Tianna or 

Tianna: Yeah, and everything's booked online now and it's made my life so much easier because it takes a lot of time. Like it used to be back in the day and people we'd email back and forth or call and look at the calendar and that takes so much time and energy. Yeah. Once I started doing online booking made my life so much better. Yeah, sometimes somebody at 1:00 AM they're in a place in their life and they're like, oh my gosh, I need help. They can go right online and they can book it. But I do offer a free phone consultation that also is booked through my website. So lots of people do know this is what I want and this is what I need and another people want to have this little phone consultation where maybe they're telling me this is what I'm going through or this is my intention, this is the outcome that I'm focused on. 

What tool do you think would be best? And I really work with people a lot spiritually also my website is like very woo woo, right? Use that. So if somebody was not open to spiritual things, they might look at my website and be like, higher self, what is she talking about? And maybe I'm not the right fit for them. I really love being able to, from the perspective of us as spiritual beings because there's so much more tools available to us beyond just working with our mind and our emotions and our body. Mostly those are the people that I'm working with. A couple years ago I bundled, I did a program for people who on are on a spiritual path that includes several of the things that I do that allows that to kind of take them from this first step, which is the soul plan reading, which is a map for this lifetime. 

What are the challenges and the talents and the goals that I came in on a worldly level to focus on what are the same for the spiritual and what is my soul destiny, what is the energy I came into embody? So we start off with this kind of roadmap looking at what did you come in this lifetime to focus on? What are your gifts, what are the pain points that you came to learn through you're meant to through the soul planet? It's really cool because you're meant to apply your talents to overcome your challenges, to reach your goals. And so it's all built into our plan already. We just have to know it and apply it. Lots of people that come already without knowing it, like you're saying, a lot of times if we just are listening within, we are already following our path even without knowing astrology or numerology or your soul plan. 

But then a lot of times it really helps people. Maybe relationships are your biggest challenge and then you realize, oh, that's what I came in to work on! Then you don't feel like what's wrong with me? Why is everybody else able to have these healthy relationships? And that never works out for me to realize, oh, that's the lesson plan for this life. I think is really validating. 

Hannah: Love that. Yeah. Lesson plan. Yeah. 

Tianna: Yeah. So we start off with that and then we have hypnosis sessions depending on what's come up for them that they wanna work on and we finish, we have a energy healing and then we finish with either a past life regression or a quantum healing hypnosis technique so people can see the bigger picture of who they are spiritually. 

Hannah: Tell me about the quantum healing technique. 

Tianna: Yeah, we can just call it Q H H T. It's a little easier, right? 

Hannah: Qhht? Yeah, tell me about that. 

Tianna: So that's interesting. I moved here in 2008 and I was offering hypnosis and past life regression, which I got trained in the hypnotherapy school in California that I went to. Then after two years of practice, you can get certified in life between lives, which was actually the main reason why I ever even became a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Depending on where I'm practicing, I can use one of those words or the other words. Anyway, so in 2010 I got certified for Life Between Lives and I was doing these practices and clients started to come into me and talk about this woman, Dolores Cannon. I'd never heard of her and I really am not much of a YouTuber, but people kept saying, oh her YouTube videos and when they were talking about her, I don't know, I just assumed that she was gonna be young because she was on YouTube and it was young people that kept talking about her. 

Then I finally was like, oh, I need to see who this Dolores Cannon person is that people are talking about. Yeah, she is this like quirky older woman. She is really interesting and she talks about the three waves of volunteers and the spirit. She has a whole bunch of books and honestly I haven't, she keeps coming up is for me. Yeah, it's so funny. She's passed now. Yeah. But she has a whole bunch of books and her daughters carry on her work and luckily this was when she was still alive. And so I read that one book about the three waves of the volunteers and she talked about, oh she has this special technique that she uses and I thought, I wanna get trained in that. I wanna see what that's about. In 2012, the training was in LA. I got to have the training with her. She was still alive back then. So I got this training for Q H H T in 2012. It is a spiritual regression session. I offer it as three and a half hours. Different practitioners might offer it different length of time, but it's kind of a little bit of everything because any of my sessions will do. Also to answer your question too before about, we'll do an intake at the beginning of the session where we talk more and understand the background of whatever this person's focus and intention is and the background of maybe whatever issues they're working through. And then the rest of the Q H H T, it's all hypnosis. It's regression. The first part is past life regression where we will go into different points of a past life. The soul's going to choose where we go. So I like to tell my clients, because sometimes people will be a little nervous. 

They're like, what if I don't know what I'm going to experience? I don't know what I'm going to see or experience. And I'm like, I don't know what you're going to experience either. I'm walking in blindly just like you except that I have so much experience with this process and I trust the process and I know your soul's in charge and I trust your soul. 

Hannah: So wow. 

Tianna: Even I don't know what we're going to encounter either, but I know that it's always going to be for your highest good. I know there's a reason why whatever comes up comes up. So right. If you can trust that your soul is guiding this session and knows what you need and loves you and wants your highest good, I'm just focused on your highest good and all of us come together, of course your highest good's going to happen. How is that going to look? 

I don't know, but I know it's gonna happen because we all align with that. So first we do go in and out of several points of a past life and what I was mentioning before, we review the life and that's very valuable to understand. There's a reason why your soul brought up out of the many, many lifetimes that you've lived that particular past life and it's gonna help you in your life right now. It's not just for curiosity's sake. I think sometimes people's misconception about past life regression is that it's just for people's ego or for their glamor, right? Yeah. But I've never had anybody who was Marilyn Monroe or Elvis or anything. People are just, they go back and not, not even Elvis. No, not even Elvis, not John Lennon.. Nobody's gone back to anyone that I've ever heard of because it's really not about that. I'm not saying somebody, somebody on the planet was Elvis once before or something or, or maybe, who knows? Maybe they went on to different planet. I don't know. Yeah. But anyway, so the soul's not trying to stroke our ego. Right? The soul's trying to help us in some way. So it doesn't matter. 

Hannah: Funny, I had a past life regression one time and during it I was really focused on how I was connected with the people in my life right now and the masters that we were connected with that opened up my Akashic records got they. It wasn't annoyed with me, but they were a little annoyed with me. They wanted me to stop asking those questions. They wanted to focus on like the lessons that we were here to learn and stop wasting our moments with like how was I connected with so and so? 

So that was really interesting and then we got to like the meat and potatoes of it and the lesson and, and it was very eyeopening and it's still, I still think about that lesson to this day. But yeah, that's incredible and I would love to do that with you. 

Tianna: Sometimes different guides have different personalities. Some are light and people always think that they're all gonna be a strict business only and some of 'em definitely are and some of them are really fun and playful and light and it's really interesting to see. You never know, like I said, it's a mixed bag. But yeah, just to finish what we do in the Q H H T. So after we do that, we process and integrate whatever that experience was and then we move away from it. Then we call in the higher consciousness, what I might call the soul or the higher self Dolores cannon called it the subconscious. But I tend to think of it more as a super conscious. But anyway, the eternal higher spiritual aspect of ourself and the person will have brought in questions that they want asked. I try to go through the questions, I would go through the questions together so that, yeah, sometimes people have asked questions that are not worded in the best way. Even something like, should I take this job offer anytime there's a should question? It's because like I said before, there's no wrong path from the spirit's perspective. 

Hannah: Yeah. Right. So what are you really asking? Will this job fulfill me or would this job help me more towards my financial goals? So I help support my growth and evolution. 

Tianna: Yeah, exactly. I try to, whenever somebody has a should, it's like they're wanting spirit to give them permission or give an answer. And Spirit doesn't really like to do that. And spirit wants us to learn and figure that, learn how on our own. And that's what I really like about all the things that I offered. Like you said, there's a lot of things that I offer, but really the intention going back and this is what the name of my business was intentional: awakening transformation. I want to just awaken something within. I'm not saying I'm healing you. That transformation can occur within you. I want to facilitate or be a part of awakening that really everything that I offer is for empowerment of my client. That's what I'm all about is empowerment. I don't want anyone to depend on me. I don't really want clients to continually be seeing me for a few years because hopefully you will have the tools and the resources that you need after a lot less than that. Some people can get everything they need in one session, which is amazing. Or one session for now and maybe they come back two years later for something or, or maybe they see me for a period of time and then I don't like that model where I have all the answers or I have the healing ability and you come to me and you're dependent on me. That feels yucky to me on both sides. You have everything that you need. Let's get you connected to that and then you can be this empowered person and then you can share that with other people. That's the model that I come from. 

Hannah: Oh, that is so awesome Tianna. Because that I love, like I didn't even, I had your, the stuff that you did so I could look at and I do have scrolled up the questions. I never look at them. We write the questions and I never look at them, but I know one of the questions on there is what is your “why” and you just answered it. Yeah. Which is so cool that awakening transformation and others. That's incredible. 

Tianna: Yeah, I really wanted a good umbrella for what I do because I'm constantly learning and growing and evolving. That's just part of my nature. In business school, I remember this, you'd have case studies of like blockbuster video, Kentucky Fried Chicken, right? They create these names that put them in a box and then video goes away. Or they want to do more than chicken. Yeah. And they have to rebrand KFC or Blockbuster or whatever. Right. So I very much thought about that when I created the name of my business knowing that the tools might change and I might add more things or I might let go of things, but what is the broader or the deeper intention behind what I do? And then that can be the umbrella for anything that I offer. So, 

Hannah: And if you are awakening transformation in somebody, then they are, it's a domino effect. And they're turning around and helping others. Yeah. Or uplifting humanity in their own way because they feel more aligned with their higher self and more inspired and connected. Yes. That's just awesome. 

Tianna: That's why I love teaching. I've been teaching reiki for many, many years. I've taught a lot of people reiki and now starting this year teaching past life regression, that's a new thing. So I just love and then the soul plan system, I got trained to teach that. I haven't put that out as offering yet, but sometime this year I'm also gonna teach people how they can do soul plan. I love, love, love teaching because like you said, it's kind of like lights, the domino effect I get. But then I think of like dominoes, things are like falling down. 

Hannah: Yeah. 

Tianna: Instead I was thinking of like lighting a candle and then that candle lights another candle. Yeah. And I like this idea of all these candles lighting instead of all these dominoes falling. But yeah, I get it. 

Hannah: I hear you. I like to be really particular with words too. So that's a good one to note. And so, well you kind of touched on this too, but how, let's talk about your book for a minute and then we'll get to that question. Because I think that what I like to always know is what do you hope people will feel when working with you when you kind of just answered that, but not only working with you, but it can, they can feel like they're working with you almost by reading your book or they can do you do online sessions as well for people that don't. Okay. So they can read your book and then they can book a session with you online or in person in this beautiful office. So what, what led you to to write the book? 

Tianna: Yeah, that's a funny story. I had been told many, many, many years from many different intuitives and my own guide had told me that in this lifetime I'm meant to write books and I've tried number of times to write a book. In fact, gosh, what year was that? Like 2011. So a long time ago already, right over a decade ago I had created this writing retreat for myself and had booked this beautiful little Airbnb in this small little village in Spain. And I remember even just like, whoa, this kind of thing always happens to me just because I'm kind of chatty person right on the plane started talking to this brother and sister next to me and I was telling them about my book and they were all excited. I was telling people about this book that I was gonna write and then partly through, I made a lot of progress on it and then I never followed through because there would always get to be this point where I'd be like, does the world really need this book? 

Aren't there lots of other people kind of saying the same thing? Who am I to write this book when all these other people have said something about that? And I would just kind of give up. So there'd been rounds of that over many years. Then in 2020, was it 2020 anyway, I don't remember exactly. I'd had some different little health things and my friend told me about this one psychic intuitive and I booked a session with her for like an hour. We talked about the different health things. Okay. It felt good. Then there was this extra time left in the session and I hadn't really thought of anything else. So she asked, well what else do you wanna ask about? And I was like, I don't know. What do they wanna tell me? Whatever they wanna tell me. Yeah. And she said, you're supposed to write a book, in fact you're overdue. This book needs to come out this year and you have soul contracts, there's souls that are meant to find you through this book and because you haven't fulfilled your soul contract, you're holding other people back. 

Hannah: Wow. 

Tianna: And that totally shifted it, right? Because I had always stopped because it was all about me, right? Like, oh who am I? Blah, blah, blah blah. When I started to realize, oh gosh, I am holding other people back and I'm not fulfilling what I had agreed to. And soul contracts and then I'm just focused on them. And the other thing that held me back that often holds people back when they're writing is wanting it to be this masterpiece, you just keep adding more things and you put more things and you're like, oh maybe I should put that thing. It's just a never ending process. Instead she told me it doesn't have to be a very long book. You just introduce people to some of the key tools that help people and they can go explore it on their own more if they want or they can come to you and can be like a hundred pages or so. 

That just really freed me as well. That really helped me to be able to just edit out and not feel like each thing that I introduced that I had to explain the whole thing I really focused on. There are certain things over and over again when people come to me and when we talk about this phone consultation and if somebody says they're having issues with, a lot of times it goes back to emotional stuff, but whatever their issues with their stress or their relationships or something, there's certain core things that we go back to over and over and over again. And I thought, oh I can just put it in this book and maybe somebody can't afford to come see me. They can read this book and they can do the work on their own. Or maybe it'll introduce this idea to somebody and if they want to explore it more, whether they go to see me or someone else, they will be helped. 

But let me just put in some of the core things that have really, really helped me into a book and just weave in some of my own stories. Also in the book there are channelings from my spirit guide Will, which honestly was like the fear that really put that out on the public stage. Like yes, I talked to a non-physical being and I received guidance and love that wisdom from it was very frightening. But it also felt like, oh I need to do that. Just to step out of that fear and so forth and focus on how it can help people.

Hannah: And being your authentic self. Right? 

Tianna: Yeah. Will had always told me over the years that these messages are not just for you. I have all these journals and I ought to write down these messages. But it was really just bringing that all together. I was told that that book needed to come out that year. I'd had this session with the woman in January and I was like, “Oh, okay. Well then.” The message I kept getting from Spirit was book first, everything else later, which actually really helped me because I have a hard time. Like I said, I always have a lot of different things going on. Yeah. So it helped me to really focus. I started writing my second book now and it probably will never flow as easy as that book did, but that book just came out so easily. 

Hannah: That's incredible. 

Tianna: But it gave me the confidence now that I could write other books and I have several books in my mind that I wanna put out. But it is hard beause now I have even more things that I'm doing too because I have the podcast and all these other things. I mean I guess I had the podcast back then, but just, there's a lot of things. I think the stage that I'm in now is learning how to be able to juggle a number of things and stay focused versus yes, I know how to put one thing in front of everything else and take it to completion, but can I work on several things and make slow steady progress because I'm somebody that likes to like put it out there. 

Hannah: Maybe you just need that, that other, it seems like you, you went into that high gear when you got the clarity about what exactly the focus of that book should be. And so maybe you just will get that clarity again with book number two. And then once you have that laser focus and you're given a timeline for me too, I have my hand in so many different things and I'm so, I get so excited and so inspired and I wanna do all of this stuff. I'm not short for inspiration. Yeah. But I understand. But the time management is where I need to focus. So it might be an ADHD thing, I don't really know. But when somebody gives me a deadline, that's when I'm usually able to get something done. Yeah. because then  I zero in and I know I have to get that done now. Right. That's a huge challenge for me. We could talk about that in my session. Yeah. Talk about time management. 

Tianna: Yeah, time. I know that time management is not as sexy as talking about the spirit realm for sure.  But very needed. I think that's important point too, because sometimes people will come and want to have these spiritual experiences almost like an escape from the requirements and the difficult things. Like I said, I still have to do my taxes and these kinds of things. And really it's important to find that balance point. I am a human, but I'm also spirit. So in the beginning of my journey, I was sort of just escaping out of all of my human responsibilities and going into spirit where it's beautiful and loving and there's nothing challenging or wrong there, but still you have to come back and be here as your human, in your human life. And that's something that I think is super important because I see with some spiritual people or in some spiritual communities where they're not very grounded and that's called like spiritual bypassing, where if you had trauma in this lifetime and instead of dealing with that, you just are leaving your body and going up into spirit, you're missing the opportunity of why you became human in the first place. 

Hannah: Yeah, that's so right on. And you mentioned something earlier about the meditation and people can dabble in things and there's something, so what is the word? Like we need to have something tangible because we're here on earth, we are human physical beings. And so when we can do something that is consistent, like a daily consistent meditation practice, then instead of just thinking about something and intellectualizing something, then we're able to fully embody it. And it sounds like when you went through that process, you were able to fully embody the spiritual experience here on earth and then bring it down and funnel it through your physical body so that you can make an impact and a change for those around you using your spiritual skills. But you've found this great way to balance, to bring spirit into the embodiment of, of your physical form. 

Tianna: It is a lifelong journey of practice of that. Because I have found when I'm the client in regression, that I've had many lifetimes of not being very grounded in embodied or being, if you think about it, maybe in other cultures and other lifetimes, you could just go off into the monastery or off in the mountains and you could meditate and be totally away from society and have your spiritual journey. I've had lifetimes like that. It's like how can I integrate it and find the balance between both? I think that's the times that we're living in right now because those other lifetimes, and I was a man in a lot of those lifetimes. That's the masculine path is the upward facing triangle of raising matter up into spirit. And then the feminine path embodiment, which you're talking about is the downward facing triangle spirit coming into matter. And because we're both, doesn't matter if I'm in a female body or in a male body, actually we're spirit, we're both yin and yang. 

But because the world has been predominantly yang valuing, valuing more of the masculine principles, even now there's a lot of spiritual communities that are all focused on this ascending or transcending, but we still, we need to do both if we don't fully embody otherwise, it becomes spiritual bypassing if we are just trying to transcend. And so I realized that even the first part of my spiritual journey in this lifetime, I was not embodying enough. Still I am somebody- my friends just think this is hilarious- but I'm super squeamish. I'm that person that might, I haven't really fainted, but if I have to get my blood drawn, I will feel faint. I'm the person that they have to lay down and give juice to. Yeah. I'm the person that's like, don't talk about your surgery things with the body. I've gone back into other lifetimes where I just totally, I did spiritual practices and I totally disregarded my body. 

And even in this lifetime, I had to learn to pay more attention. I could not notice that I'm hungry. I could be in my spiritual stuff and then realize like, oh, I haven't even eaten today becauseI was not paying enough attention and honoring that my body is the container for this spirit. It's all that we see in the physical world. And this goes back to not spiritually bypassing everything is spiritual energy actually. There's a different density to it. But when I was in the corporate world and I look at this world and I'm be disgusted, ugh, how can people be like this and how can you know everything be driven about money or things like this, but just understanding that it's all part of the one at a different stage or a different level and that's okay. That also relates to just physicality and being in the body. 

I realized along my journey how much I hadn't been grounded for a long time and so I work at it. It's definitely something that, yes, part of me would just like to be floating in the stars in the gospel. Talking to my spirit guides, but no, I need to bring that in. I think that, yeah, people sometimes are surprised. They're like, oh, you're really normal. Like when they think of, oh, you're gonna guide me into all of these woowoo things, they're kind of wondering if I'm gonna be really weird. But they're like, oh, you're a really normal person. I'm like, thank you. Yeah. I take that as a compliment. I'm pretty normal. 

Hannah: Wow. Tianna, I mean,  I feel like we are literally just scratching the surface here, and I could, I would love to just dig deep into so many different areas. So  we're gonna have to do this again sometime. 

Tianna: Sure. 

Hannah: Oh my gosh. But I'm really excited to have you as our guest for Coffee and Connections. That's gonna be on the 31st of March, and we're still deciding on where that's gonna be. But Tianna is in the south, south southwest area of Austin. Oh, that was another question I wanted to ask you before we close out, because you had mentioned before we started about Austin being a very spiritual community. Is that what brought you, you came here in 2008, did you say?

Tianna:  Right. 

Hannah: And is that what drew you to Austin? 

Tianna: It's so strange. I think I was meant to be here because when I lived in Boston, I was going to move to Austin without ever having been here. And then it didn't happen that way, but I still ended up coming to Austin. Yeah. So I really do feel, and this it goes to a bigger principle where people think that you only get one shot at things, but I really do think that things that are aligned for our soul's purpose come around again. Sometimes we don't catch it the first time. I really do feel like I was meant to be in Austin, because I tried to be in Austin and then that didn't work out. But later on, so a different boyfriend, we were living in California, that's where I got my hypnotherapy training and so forth. And he's a pilot and he was going to get based out of Houston and, sorry, Houstonians, but I didn't want to live in Houston, so we decided to move to Austin because he could just commute. 

But, because I'd always kind of felt something about Austin and yeah, I'd actually moved around to a bunch of places and this was the first place that I really rooted myself and felt at home. So, yeah, there's also in astrology, AstroCartography. So different souls might find alignment in different places. And I really feel that for my soul, Austin and I are very aligned. And I think lots of other people too feel that same thing because there's an energy here. Yeah. It's funny. Like I kind of live in my bubble. So obviously the work that I do, I'm always talking to people on a very deep level and we talk about spiritual things, but it's not just here in Austin. Anywhere I go, that's how I talk to people. I always end up talking, but I just find that here in Austin, it's so commonplace and normal. You could talk to the person in the grocery store line and mention your crystals or something, and nobody's gonna be weirded out about that. Or if I mentioned Reiki, pretty much any person always has heard of reiki and, “well, my cousin does reiki or my neighbor does reiki” or something like that. And so I think Austin does, there's an energy here that attracts people, that there's a vibration that's spiritual that attracts people. 

Hannah: Yeah. Yeah. I so agree. When I came to visit Austin in 2003, I could feel it. And then we moved in 2005 and there we're, we're literally on like crystal limestone. Wow. So there's like crystals in the earth, and I could feel it. I remember, this is so funny, and woowoo for those that are not woowoo at all, but I remember hugging a tree down by Town Lake or Lady Bird Lake now, but back then it was town lake. And I was like, I don't want to go home. I, I can't. I was living in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles at the time, and I really, I just didn't want to go home. And, and so I also left friends, family connections, everything to come to this foreign land where I knew no, this foreign husband land off to Texas. Yeah. It was for me. 

So I've been a West coast girl my whole life, but I, I just love, I love this. I'm so excited for our conversation that we'll get to have on the 31st and yeah. Having so many people get to meet you and, and just have conversation with you. And I would love to book a session with you. I'm so excited about that. And just really thrilled that you were able to, to share just a little bit about yourself. I know there's like worlds more we could talk about, like, I loved listening to the other podcast you had on your, your webpage today and then your, what is the podcast called Is that you do? 

Tianna: So the podcast that I host with my friend Tim, is called Beyond the Illusion. 

We have different guests on that do different types of spiritual things and yeah, I get to have all these conversations all the time. Yeah, It's really fun. 

Hannah: Fun. So much fun. I love it. So thank you so, so much. 

Tianna: Yeah, thank you.