past life regression

Past Life Regression Benefits

More than just a means to satisfy one's curiosity, past life regression therapy has a number of valuable therapeutic purposes.  Here's just a few benefits (excerpted from the book "Past Life Regression:  A Guide for Practitioners" by Mary Lee LaBay):

  • Cycles of Behavior - Viewing the cycles and patterns of behavior recurring throughout many lifetimes grants greater perspective on our unique quirks, habits, struggles, fears, choices, hopes and dreams.

  • Physical Healing - In many cases the health issues we experience in this life have roots that extend into other lifetimes. For this reason, past life regression can provide information important to healing physical symptoms.


  • Unexplained Pain - Unexplained pains and syndromes, chronic pain and illness, birthmarks and other health-related phenomena frequently have their roots in other lifetimes.

  • Phobias - A regression can also reveal the roots of phobias or other emotional blocks. Sometimes simply having knowledge of the relevant past life experience will be enough to shift the energy, allowing a breakthrough or healing to occur.

  • Soul Connections - Experiencing past life relationships with present life people can create transformation in the way we think or feel about them.

  • Clarity - Living a very different life experience is like walking in another person's shoes. It gives us an expanded perspective that assists us in our current lifetime.

past life regression

What to Expect In a Past Life Regression

You will experience your past life in your own unique way.  You have inner senses of sight, sensation, sound, smell or just knowing.  Some or all of these inner senses may be active during your past life regression.  You may be experiencing the life from inside the body or watching from above.  It's important not to set your expectations for a particular way of experiencing.  Just be open to whatever way the information comes to you.

Past life regression is like any new skill.  Some people are born naturals.  Others require more practice.  The more you experience past life regression, the easier it becomes to access this state of consciousness.


The past life regression is a 2 hour session, which can be done in person or online.  The first 15 to 20 minutes is the intake, where we discuss your current life.  Whatever lifetime you go back to will be related in some way to what you're learning in this life.  The rest of the session is spent in hypnosis.  You'll be guided to a scene in a former lifetime.  Your soul is in charge and will take you to whatever life can be most healing and insightful for you.  We'll explore several scenes at different points of the former life, culminating at the death scene.  Then we review the life to process, heal and understand it.

Your session will be recorded and emailed to you afterward.  Contact us if you have further questions.  Please listen to the podcast episode below first, as that often answers any questions. Past Life Regression fee: $250. You can schedule a session using the link below.


Excerpts from our discussion about Past Life Regression on the Wide Awake Podcast with the host, Chris Folz:

Chris: What is Past Life Regression?

Tianna: Past life regression is a type of hypnosis where you explore a former lifetime. And so in a two hour long session we'll go in and out of different points of a past life, go to the death scene and then review the life and sort of look at what did you learn? Is there anything that needs to be healed or cleared or released from that lifetime? How does it connect to what you're learning in this lifetime? And other important questions like that. 

One of the nice things that I like about past life regression versus a past life reading -sometimes people get those confused -is a past life reading is like when a psychic person tells you what your past lives are, but past life regression is that you get to experience it yourself. And I'm really one of those kind of people that doesn't necessarily believe something just because somebody told me like I need to experience it myself and then I'll believe. And so it's really nice to guide somebody to have that experience for themselves. 

Chris: So you're a person I can come to. I'll call you up, say, “Hello Tianna, I'm interested in your past life regression services. I'd like to experience my past lives.” Why would a person want to do this? 

Tianna: It's funny because a lot of people come and they just want to come for curiosity. That's why they say they're coming. But I know from my experience of guiding people into it that there's so much more that they're gonna get from it, even if they just think that it's curiosity that's bringing them there. There's so many things that we can get from past lives. The same way that you could get from reviewing, say, an early time in this life is that you can look back at it, you know, in perspective and kind of understand why did I have that experience? How did that help me grow or develop a part of myself? 

Some people go into lifetimes that are very different from this lifetime. For example, me being a petite female in this lifetime, I've always felt sort of vulnerable and emotionally sensitive and that's one kind of life experience that you can have and you can gain certain perspectives and qualities through that experience. But I've also gone into a lifetime where I was like this huge man. The way that people respond to you when you're a big man versus a small female is different. And then the way that you begin to react in situations when you're in this different body or in this different circumstance is different also. And so you can have the benefit of perspective, sort of walking in somebody else's shoes. That's one big benefit. 

You hear about the people that have a phobia and then they go back to that lifetime where that phobia originated from and then they can clear and release that. So that's another benefit. We also have karmic relationships in our life. So some of the people that are in your life now have been in your life before and you don't understand why with that brother, you guys get along so well and then with the other brother it's always just been really difficult. There's no reason logically why. And then you go back to this lifetime and oh, I betrayed that brother in that life. Oh, okay, maybe that's why, so a lot of times you can go back and you can understand more deeply the connections that you have with other people. That's another benefit. Sometimes you can go back into lifetimes and reawaken skills and gifts and abilities that you've had in that life also. So there's healing, there's insight and learning and awareness that comes from this kind of experience. 

Chris: So a person would want to experience their past life using your past life regression services to learn a lesson from there that they can apply to their lifetime now. 

Tianna: Absolutely. There's a lot of times when people have certain qualities or feelings like, let's say they have a sense of loneliness or a sense of never feeling good enough or something that doesn't seem to originate in this life. They're like, “But I had loving parents and I had this great upbringing, but for some reason I've always been this way even though my siblings aren’t that way.” And they don't understand, where did that come from? Well a lot of times we brought that into this lifetime from another lifetime. 

Chris: Wow. That's really interesting to think about. So going back to you saying that in your experience in your previous life you were the opposite gender and you had a completely different ego in that lifetime. How do you deal with that when you come back to this lifetime?

Tianna: Yeah, well so the coolest thing is that when you go into that experience you have this dual awareness. So I had this awareness of me as Tianna and then I also had this awareness of me being this sort of, I want to say thuggish guy. I was kind of a jerk. I didn't really have awareness of emotions. In this lifetime I'm very sensitive and I can feel what other people feel. I'm very aware that in that lifetime, in that body I really didn't feel my own emotions or other people's emotions. And so it was very easy for me to be very arrogant and selfish because that's all I was aware of. It's really interesting to have this dual awareness going through this experience because there's me Tianna going, “oh my God, what am I doing?” And then there's me being this man and I can feel both. 

That's a really wonderful perspective because for instance in this life, sometimes I'll be like, how can people be so insensitive or how can they be so cruel? Having that experience made me realize that some people don't have that awareness or that sense. It's like if somebody was blind you wouldn't expect them to understand what seeing is like. And so being able to go into a lifetime where I couldn't really feel made me understand how people could be very insensitive in this lifetime. It really broadens your eyes and your perspective. And I think that if you're willing, it makes you much more empathetic and compassionate to all different types of people. Because you can see from their perspective.

Tianna: Now just imagine right now in the world with all this polarity. ….The way that people are saying, this is right or that's right. And they're splitting up into sides. Just imagine if you were a Christian that believed that Muslims are bad and then you go back to a lifetime where you were a Muslim, how healing that could be,.How that could heal the divide.

Chris: Yeah, I can see that. Tianna, when you said your experience with your past life, I felt like you lived my life. So I feel like because you went back and experienced your past life as this thuggish male, you're able to understand where I come from growing up in the heart of LA in the ghetto thinking I was gangster and I didn't give a crap about anyone else. I was always right, super arrogant and I was able to come out of that and now discovering that there's more to life than just material possessions and all of that. And you got to experience that by going into your own head. 

Tianna: Yeah, well I mean it's beautiful that you were able to shift that in one lifetime. A lot of people are really stuck in their perspective and their personality and their upbringing and their whole lifetime. But by going back to past lifetimes, we get to see another perspective. What's beautiful in the world now is how people are shifting more quickly. I wouldn't ever say that like oh I got to experience you, because you're a unique being. But yeah, actually, if you think about it, there's these archetypes in the world. There's these different types of people that are universal across cultures and you do sort of get to experience certain archetypes going back into past lives. 

Chris: Yeah, I guess what I meant was you got to learn all the same lessons I had to learn in this lifetime because of that you and I are able to connect in a way where I feel like you truly understand where I came and it's hard. That's really, that connection is really hard to find. Yeah. And that's the connection we're all searching for. 

Tianna: Right, right, right. Yeah, that's what's so beautiful about it -realizing that we've been all of these things, that we have the potential to be all these different qualities and characteristics and to actually go back and experience that. Then it broadens your awareness of who you are and it also helps you to connect with others exactly like what you're saying. 

Chris: Because of that. I come from a very left brain side and can still think like that. And my question now is what would you tell a listener out there that's like, “oh this isn't, this is possibly not past life regression.” There's so many chemical reactions in our brain, we could go on and on about that, but it's just going within yourself and searching your own soul. Why do we call it another life? Why do we feel like we're living an entirely different life? What if it's just information you're receiving that's useful to you? 

Tianna: Right? I mean, well we have to give it a name, but you're right, that's all semantics, right? It doesn't matter what you call it. If you want to call it experiencing other selves or other aspects of self, it doesn't matter to me what you want to call it. But I think the deeper question you're asking is people want to know, “How do I know if it's real? That's a question that people ask a lot. And then of course that opens up a whole lot of other questions like, “Well what is real? Can you prove to me that what you're experiencing right now is real? What is reality?” And so sort of what you were saying before is I would go back to saying, “Well let's let go of this idea of trying to prove if things that we experience inwardly are ‘real’ and instead go and see are they valuable? Did this experience help me in some way? If it heals you in some way, if it gives you insight, if it gives you more compassion and tolerance and understanding for others, then to me that's a beneficial.” And so I seek out experiences that improve me in some way that grow me, that give me greater understanding. And that's sort of where I put the value mark on. 

Chris: You heard it here folks, just try it, keep an open mind and try it out. I'm trying it out. I'm actually going to request Tianna’s services online. Moving on TIanna, what got you into this? What experience brought you here to pursue a career in assisting people in spiritual regression? 

Tianna: Yeah, it's funny because actually my degree is in marketing and international business. I always thought I was going to be this corporate business woman. I didn't believe in reincarnation. I wasn't raised in any kind of spiritual belief and I was basically an atheist. Then I got my marketing job and I was doing what I thought I wanted to do in the world and I hated it. I was just like, what's the point of this? You just spend all day working for this company in that really oppressive environment and you go home after just sitting at a desk all day just totally drained and then you watch some TV to tune it out and then you go to sleep and then you wake up and you do it again. I went into that existential crisis of like what's the point of this? 10 years from now I'm going to be doing this and you know, 20 years from now this is going to have been my life and what would be the meaning of that? And so that is what pushed me into this whole other arena. I started to meditate, which was really hard for me at first. I think for most people it was or it is. But then after I started meditating one day it sort of clicked and I really, really liked it. I would meditate for like three or four hours at a time. I couldn't wait to get home from the office and just meditate all the time. I started feeling energy moving in my body and I didn't know what that was. 

Someone mentioned that I should go see this energy guy who happened to be a Reiki Master. When I went and had a Reiki session, it felt amazing and I wanted to have that all the time. So I got attuned or I learned how to be a Reiki practitioner. So Reiki and meditation created this big spiritual awakening for me. When I would meditate for three or four hours at a time, things started to happen. I would just slip out of my body and travel the Cosmos. And this other thing that happened was that I was spontaneously going into past lives. I didn't even believe in past lives at that time, but I had these experiences and they would just happen and it got me really interested. At that point I just started to read a lot of books and explore this more. Eventually some years later I went to hypnosis school and got the training to be able to do this work.